Monday, March 27, 2017

Post #3 (elements)

What are the elements of a blog?

The elements of a blog is:

.To have a responsive blog

.To Use keywords

.Proper post Segmentation

.Visual Appeal

.Solid Writing

Post #2 (purpose)

What is the purpose of a blog?

The purpose of a blog is to post whatever you want and design it. For example, you can post about your educational work or post about your daily life if you feel comfortable sharing it. You can also design is however you want to design it.

Post #1 (steps)

What are the steps in creating a blog?

The steps for creating a blog are:

.Go to

.Choose a name for your blog

.Create the blog

.Then you can post and design your personal blog however you want to

Monday, March 20, 2017


Welcome viewers to my educational e-portfolio. I have a lot of work/assignments to show you from my different classes. I would like to share my work with you because I think it is very cool and educational to do it. Enjoy browsing through my blog for different types of work from my each of my different classes.

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