Monday, May 15, 2017

Digital Footprint #3

                                                           My Digital Advice

Don't talk to people you don't know on the internet. They could probably hack and expose you and you never know if they can pose a threat. If something pops up on your computer requiring your personal information do not fill it out and just x it out.

Digital Footprint #2

Think about three websites you use. Who sees the information you share on each of those sites?

I use Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram. If you post pictures or videos everybody will see it on twitter or Instagram. But you can make your account private nobody can see what you posted. If they follow your account you have the option if you want to accept them or not. Its the same thing with Facebook too.

The three social media websites I use are:

  • Facebook ( My close friends)
  • Twitter (Nobody)
  • Instagram (Friends)


Digital Footprint #1

What is a Digital Footprint?

A Digital Footprint is when you leave your footprint behind. For example when you post something on any social media people can see the pictures and stuff you posted so you leave your footprints behind. Sometimes you have to be careful what you post because you have to remember that everyone will see your post.

                                                                   Digital Footprint